Tag Archives: impressionist

Good Things Come From… The Drugstore?

I am not the biggest fan of buying makeup from drugstores. Yes, it’s cheaper, but it comes with a trade-off: the quality is usually sub-par at best. And I have had so many bad experiences (foundation that made my skin break out in bright red bumps, eye shadow that changed color after about a month, and multiple broken brushes) that when it comes down to it, I’d rather shell out the extra cash than end up looking like I’ve contracted the plague.BUT for some reason, when I went to the drugstore this past week, something caught my eye.


Meet my new go-to eye shadow, the Revlon Photoready Primer+Eyeshadow in Impressionist. It’s pretty great, and I love it for two major reasons.

One, it’s an idiot-proof eyeshadow palette, and that’s exactly what I need. (I’ve got enough on my plate without learning the ins and outs of eye makeup techniques.) Seriously, there’s a chart on the back showing you exactly where to put each color, and step-by-step instructions. Even I can’t screw it up, and when I’m doing my make-up half asleep before my morning class, that’s saying something.

Two, I’m a big fan of more natural colors for eyeshadows- browns, greens, golds- but I also love the smokey eye effect that I see done with black. Well, I don’t like black eyeshadow very much- I’ll wear it occasionally, but for the most part, it’s just too much. This palette produces a very smokey look, but with browns, which I just love.

So… am I a hardcore drugstore make-up-er now? Not even close. There are still many more bad-to-worse products in drugstores than there are diamonds-in-the-rough. But am I going to start giving these types of products a chance to impress me?

Well… I’d say it’s a possibility.


The Femme Fatale Farmgirl

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Posted by on February 24, 2013 in Farmgirl Beauty


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