You’ve GOT to be Kidding Me (King of the Nerds Reaction)

01 Mar

I think every episode of King of the Nerds has had one person who pisses me off in some way. At first, it was Virgil. Then it was Danielle. Then Alana. Then Virgil some more. And now it’s Genevieve.

Because she sent Moo home.

Now, I’m aware that’s kind of a non-reason. But I loved Moo- and I wish she’d have won the entire competition. I think she deserved to stay more than anything, and it also would have given the final competition more variety. Because everyone they’ve got left now is falls under the heading of “pop-culture nerd.”

I don’t like that- I don’t think it makes for good television. They might prove me wrong, and I’m not going to stop watching the show or anything- but now they have no representatives of arguably what is most stereotypically nerdy- math and science. That’s not good- it alienates an entire sub-genre of people who identify as nerds.

But the other reason I really really really REALLY don’t want Genevieve to win… she accused Celeste of throwing her under the bus.

When she’d tried to do the exact same thing to her.

That, honey, makes you the worst kind of hypocrite. And I can’t stand hypocrites. I have zero tolerance for them.

So if Genevieve becomes King… I may accidentally break the TV. Just sayin’.

This episode was pretty cool overall, but I wish it’d happened earlier, where we could see more nerds working it out- especially the ones who are very suited to math and science. I understand that’s hard to do with teams, but I’m confident there’s a way to at least to the same theme earlier on and break up the pop culture-themed stuff. Come on, producers. Make it happen.

But in terms of how much I actually enjoyed this episode… it’s kind of meh. It’s not terrible, but I can’t help but feel like the show’s losing stamina. I know it’s already been renewed for a second season- which is awesome, don’t get me wrong- but I can’t help but feel that, if they don’t fix this problem, that might be as far as it gets. And I don’t want that. Maybe they’re just saving all the big shocking awesome moments for the finale. I don’t know.

I’m looking forward to the finale. I know who I’m rooting for. And I’m also curious to know if they’ll bring everyone back for the crowning- I hope so.


The Femme Fatale Farmgirl

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Posted by on March 1, 2013 in FemmeGeek


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