Tag Archives: sex


How do you know when you’re officially considered an adult by your parents?

An actual independent adult, not their child, not their baby, not their college student. An actual adult, whom they respect and understand is different and can’t be held in the same light anymore. How can you, the child, recognize this moment.

I’ll tell you.

When your parents make a straight-up, not-implicit, wouldn’t-be-appropriate-at-a-frat, pretty terrible but kind of hilarious sex joke in front of you.


That, my friends, is what happened to me at lunch today.

I’m still reeling a little.


The Femme Fatale Farmgirl


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I’ll be honest, guys.

I’ve got no idea for what to write about today.

The really bad part is I should have ideas. I mean, I have a notebook that’s full of ideas I’ve had in the past for blog posts, but I’m been flipping through it for the past couple hours, and I either don’t remember what I meant by my shorthand notes (octopus in pizza? What on Earth does that even mean?) or I’m not inspired to write about the topic (superheros- I just did a geeky post two days ago… fashion- I wanted to do videos or photos for that… shopping- what is it with you and shopping, Femme? You have a problem.)

So, instead, I’m following the advice of one of my professors here at college- the best thing you can do to break a writer’s block is write anyway. The post is me doing that, so it’s going to be pretty pointless, and a bit freeform. (So, essentially, feel free to stop reading now. I won’t be offended.)

Well, I guess I can update you on my life here at L&L. Classes are going pretty well, but it’s only syllabus week. I really like all my professors so far. I’d forgotten how loud my freshmen are sometimes, but I still love them. I’d forgotten how cold my room can get, so I’m very glad I remembered my electric blanket. The people who live above me really need to pipe the fuck down when they’re partying and having sex. I really miss cooking for myself. And… yeah, that’s about it for anything to do with college.

I guess I can talk about Oyster, in relation to that. I’ve glimpsed him a couple times on campus, but he hasn’t approached me or I him. I’ve finally thrown out the last picture I had of us together. I haven’t deleted him from Facebook or my phone yet, but I’ll get around to it eventually. I don’t have any classes with him or the Slut, so that’s a definite plus. I’m hoping after this semester he’ll move off campus, so my chances of running into him will be incredibly slim. All in all, I’m better leaving him in the past. It’s a little sad to realize, but that’s where he belongs. He’s not part of my future, and to try to force that only ends in me getting hurt.

In terms of this blog… I mentioned this in my last post, but I’m changing my update schedule again- I’ll be doing blog posts Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays now. It’s kind of annoying to constantly be altering my schedule, but as my classes change, so must I. PLUS… I’m going to start doing more regular video posts. I’m thinking Mondays for those, but we’ll have to see. Videos might just come out kind of whenever I get to them and you’ll randomly see them on my channel. Also, yesterday (1/19/13) I hit my highest number of views in one day- 42- which pretty much crushed my former highest number, which was 17. So… that’s pretty cool. Thanks, guys. 🙂

In other random news… um… yeah, I’ve got nothing. My life’s been pretty quiet. And by quiet, I mean kinda boring. Uninspiring.

I painted my nails the other day. First time I’ve done that in a long time. CottonKitty and I ordered pizza from a random mom-and-pop place here and it turned out to be completely delicious. I realized I forgot to pack most of my bras to bring back to L&L because they were hanging to dry and I just forgot about them. I organized my room, put up some posters, ordered a couple more, made it feel a little more like home. I filmed a couple videos for my channel.

Ugh. I don’t like writing without a purpose. It makes this seems flat and dry and lifeless. And, to be perfectly honest, it’s boring to write. And if it’s boring to write, holy crap, I can’t even imagine how you guys must feel to be reading this.

I’m sorry I don’t have anything to say today. I promise to come up with something more interesting to read next time I post. If you’ve stuck it out through this post, just let me end by saying that I love all of you for putting up with my crappy post of today.


The Femme Fatale Farmgirl

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Posted by on January 20, 2013 in Musings


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21 Reasons the World Won’t End Tomorrow

21. King of the Nerds doesn’t air until January- if the nerds don’t believe the apocalypse is coming, neither should you.

20. Once Upon a Time is only on it’s second season.

19. I’m still planning my trip to Japan.

18. Chocolate has not disappeared from the world.

17. Calvin and Hobbes haven’t been proved wrong yet.

16. Scrubs has not been recognized as the best television show ever.

15. There are Christmas presents under my tree right now- if I don’t get to open them, I’m gonna be super pissed during the apocalypse.

14. The Kardashian sisters have not donated all their money (or any of their money) to charity  and joined a nunnery.

13. Psy’s Gangnam Style music video still makes no sense.

12. Twilight has not been recognized as nothing more than kindling with writing on it.

11. I have not met Tom Felton. The world is not allowed to end until I have met him.

10. Apple has not successfully wrung every last bit of money from the world.

9. Playing “Hey There Delilah” on guitar is still considered “hawt” by a lot of girls.

8. We still don’t know who the Mother is.

7. I still haven’t beaten this fucking level of BattleToads.

6. I don’t know about anyone else, but I haven’t seen this video nearly enough.

5. Sex is still a hell of a lot of fun.

4. “Call Me Maybe”/”Thrift Shop”/”Gangnam Style” have not gotten any less catchy.

3. Honey Badger still doesn’t give a fuck.

2. Disney movies are still the best no matter how much controversy surrounds them.

1. Les Miserables doesn’t come to theaters until Christmas Day, and I’ll be going to see it as soon as I can.

So, clearly, with everything that hasn’t been resolved yet, there’s no way the world will end. So instead, I intend to enjoy all the “end of the world” parties with a strong sense of irony, a drink in my hand, and a smile on my face.

But if the zombie apocalypse does happen, come find me- I’ve got a plan for it.


The Femme Fatale Farmgirl

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Posted by on December 20, 2012 in FemmeGeek


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Registration, Sex, and Books (A Random Observations Post)

Some people have asked me, “Femme, you gorgeous and fantastically intelligent being, what do you think, in your infinite wisdom, is the most stressful day of the year?”

Well, actually, no one’s asked me that, but if they did, my answer would be thus: “Why, the day L&L’s registrar gives us our schedules for the following semester, of course!”

So, with everything I need to do, (meeting with my advisor, emailing professors begging entry to their classes, not to mention going to my actual classes) I just couldn’t bring myself to write a full post today.

So instead, enjoy another Random Observations Post!

1) As I said earlier, registering for classes is the worst experience in the world. I mean, I didn’t even get a complete schedule, which means I have to get up at 7:30 tomorrow morning to go stand in line for a CHANCE to get the classes I want. I’ll probably end up going even earlier just to stand in line closer to the beginning! Seriously, L&L? WTF?!

2) The most humiliating thing that can be wagered in a bet: having to wear a Twilight T-Shirt. (Shout out to Smosh Games for this realization.) Now, how can I employ this knowledge… *plotting face*

3) Sleeping is fun, but you can do too much of it. You can usually tell you’ve done too much when you start having really messed up dreams. For example: I’ve become an animated character and must navigate my way through a series of obstacles, including a maze made of blue flamingos.

4) I have not had sex in about 3 months now. I really want to have sex. I did not realize how much I was going to miss having a steady partner to jump when I got frustrated/stressed. I am seriously considering going out this weekend and boning the first guy I see. This is probably not healthy.

5) There’s nothing like a weekend with your family to remind you why you love living at college. I don’t mean that in a bitter way, but I can honestly say that I am much happier living at college than with a father and mother who are (for all their good qualities) overprotective and controlling, and a little bitch of a sister who really should be served up a good cold can of whop-ass with a nice side of reality sometime soon.

6) Oh, sweet freshmen, who were so excitedly talking about their ideal schedules as though they already had them a week ago. You look so lost and forlorn now, knowing that you won’t get into all your courses, because they’re full of seniors. You’ve truly become part of us now. We welcome you into the fold. Sit down, grab a beer. You understand now why we drink.

7) Cute boys become even cuter when they hold guns. I don’t know exactly why. But it’s true.

8) Books are awesome and reading is fun. Soon, I’ll do a post about my favorite books (probably.)

So that’s all from me for now. I’ll try to update you guys on other stuff later in the week. Hopefully, something interesting will happen- knowing my life, something dramatic probably will.  Hopefully, it’ll happen to someone else, though- I’m okay with my focused, single, quiet life for now.


The Femme Fatale Farmgirl


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The Story of Trek

Once upon a time, in a small rural town surrounded by miles of cornfields, there was a girl. A stupid girl. Well, maybe stupid isn’t entirely fair. She was an above average student, with more than enough intellect to get her places. She had enough street smarts, even living in the country, that she was quite safe whenever her family visited a city, which was often. No, she was stupid for a different reason. She was stupid because of her willingness to trust.

(This would almost kill her later.)

Because then the girl fell in love.

The guy she fell for was not particularly attractive in any way. He was somewhat rotund, his skin was pale and marked with acne, he knew way too much about computers, he harbored a somewhat obsessive love for Star Trek, and he spoke with a lisp. But he was kind to her, and funny, and she fell for him, despite all her friends warning her not to, saying that she could do better.

We’ll call him Trek.

She thought it was romantic that he would text her and tell her she was pretty and sexy and hot. (Though he never said beautiful.) He would send her good morning texts, and good night texts. Sometimes, he’d even call her to say good night. She’d catch him watching her at school and blush. She found herself looking forward to the times they’d pass in the hall. And maybe if that’s all that had happened, this would be a happy story.

But it’s not.

The girl and Trek confessed their feelings for each other over the summer, and before the first day, decided to start a relationship. When they saw each other, they went to lunch on their break. They kissed for the first time in his car before they ate. After they ate, they did more than kiss. They touched and licked and bit in the back seat of his car. It made them late getting back to class. The teacher raised an eyebrow as they walked in. The girl blushed, but she was too elated to really feel shame. After practice, she couldn’t find the guy. He wouldn’t answer her texts, and she didn’t want to call. Finally, he sent her a text, saying he didn’t want to be with her. That it wasn’t right. She was so sad. She thought the feeling was her heart breaking.

(She was wrong.)

She couldn’t talk to her friends about it, because she didn’t want to admit that their relationship had lasted less than 24 hours. She couldn’t look at him the next day. Halfway through, she locked herself in a bathroom stall to cry. She didn’t want her friends to see her sad. She didn’t like them seeing her as weak.

The girl couldn’t get over Trek. He had several short-lasting relationships in these months. One cheated on him, sending him back to the girl for comfort. She provided it, hoping he’d stay. He did not. Another refused his advances multiple times, hurting him. It broke her heart to hear him complain about, but she refused to make him go to someone else. Maybe all he needs is time, she thought. Eventually, he’ll realize that I’m the one who’s right for him. Then we’ll be together forever.

Finally, one day, something happened. Her parents went out of town. She invited him over. She told her sister not to tell.

He came, parked in the garage. She was excited to see him, but so nervous. She’d never had a boy in her bedroom before. After all, she was barely sixteen. She didn’t even have her license yet. He was a full year and a half older.

They started out just kissing, but it quickly became more than that. Of course it had. The girl was determined to make him stay this time. She would prove how much she loved him. He knew what she was doing, but it did not mean the same to him.

The girl had only bought a box of three condoms, thinking that would be plenty. She didn’t realize how much trouble they would be to put on. The first one ripped, the second leaked, and the third finally went on.

And they had sex. It was painful for her, and didn’t feel right. He kept thrusting too hard, and then falling out, no matter what position they tried. When he finished, it was rough and fast and held no pleasure for her at all.

But the girl didn’t care. She was glad that she was with him- this time in a way that could never be taken. He was hers, she was his. Surely this would last forever.

They spoke only a little over the next three days- they were both nervous because of the trouble they’d had with the condoms. If the one they’d used had broken, and the girl was pregnant… they hadn’t considered that.

But the three days passed and her period started. She was relieved, and she texted him. He didn’t answer. She assumed he was busy, or asleep. When Trek finally did text back later that same day, she was so excited. And then she read the text.

The text read that he was ending their non-relationship for good. There was no apology. There was no remorse. There was just an earth-shattering, soul-crushing end. And that’s when the girl knew what heart break truly was.

She lost her ability to trust anyone, including herself. She lost her innocence. She lost her view that humans, when pushed, would do what was right. She lost herself. The woman was in a void of her own making, and she did not know how to pull herself out.

And I knew I’d never be a girl again.

The Femme Fatale Farmgirl


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